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Currently, this will be the same as Oak Mall but once we are up and running we may be able to extend these hours - watch this space!
Day | Opening | Closing |
Monday to Saturday | 8 am | 6 pm |
Sunday | 10 am | 5 pm |
Bank Holidays | 10 am | 5pm |
Address of Bluebell Walk: 33, Hamilton Way, Oak Mall, Greenock. Use the Costa Postcode please - PA15 1RH
For some reason, Google and a lot of navigators go through periods where they refuse to believe that Hamilton Way exists - it sort of comes and goes. And if you use our original postcode it will send you right round the back to the delivery entrance. So please look for the giant Tesco on Dalrymple Street.
Or you can approach from the Town Hall but if you have never been before, the Tesco route is easier to find. The main entrance to Oak Mall is right opposite Tesco and Bluebell Walk is in the middle of the ground floor opposite Costa (see photo above)
Address of Oak Mall car park: Hamilton Gate, Dalrymple Street, Greenock, PA15 1JW
If you click on the aerial photo above you will see there are lots of places to park - the closest is the Oak Mall car park (see above) on your left just before Oak Mall when coming from the Glasgow direction.
Bob Cory
Modified on 04/12/2019 at 10:08:23 by Bob Cory