Bluebell Walk

All of these photos were taken on 30th March 2018

Please click on the image if you wish to see a full sized photograph

They are really intended for internal use but there is no reason why you cannot take a look and use them if you wish

Oak Mall Outside - approach from the Car Park


Oak Mall Inside Ground Floor - from Tesco and back


Oak Mall Inside First Floor - incomplete set of photos


Bluebell Walk - from Oak Mall


Bluebell Walk Inside - Ground Floor


Bluebell Walk Inside - First Floor


Bluebell Walk Inside - Second Floor


Bluebell Walk - leaving via Tunnel to rear of Premises


Oak Mall Outside - leaving towards the Town Hall


Forge Retail Park - the Market area - this is here for comparison purposes

Modified on 07/09/2019 at 10:33:15 by Bob Cory