The licence (see navigation block above ) is very short and written mostly in English (as opposed to Legalese) so by all means read it right now! If there is something you don't understand or don't like please let us know as soon as possible and we will change it if appropriate.
Short licence - if it does not work you can leave with a week's notice unless you have deliberately signed a longer licence
Payment - we require a minimum of one month's rent but will refund the difference if you leave in good order
Rates - the Rateble Value of each shop should be less than £15,000 so you will NOT pay rates if this is your only shop in Scotland
Service Charge - there is NO Service Charge
Lighting - FREE
Electricty - there will be a separate meter on each unit for power other than overhead lighting
Water - most units will have a water supply and drainage - this is FREE
Insurance - we insure the building and shops but content insurance is your responsibility
Waste disposal - we have excellent relations with the owners of Oak Mall and they tell us that waste disposal is being arranged at no charge (presumably they are putting some kind of recycling scheme in place). So, it will be free with a bit of luck but it is possible their scheme will not work and you will end up paying the going rate for waste disposal
Other stuff - please ask!
If we agree a rent of, say, £200 per week that is basically it - the ONLY "hidden extras" will be your personal electricity usage and insurance. Specifically, you will need third party insurance (in case somebody is injured in your shop or as a result of your actions) and content insurance if your stock is valuable. The electricity will be on a meter and we will NOT be looking to profit from that.
I find it infuriating when people keep adding on extra costs - "damage collision waiver" when you rent a car - who knows what that means? So we are not doing those kind of tricks. Or any other kind of tricks for that matter.
Once we are set up and running, feel free to wander around and ask the other tenants what we are like to deal with - hopefully they will say we are straightforward and helpful - if they don't get on the phone to me please!
We have enormous experience of putting agreements in place using a variety of solicitors in England, Scotland and overseas. Invariably they will tell you it can be done "in a couple of weeks". In practice it can easily take up to a year. Yes, a year. I know. Me too.
So, if you are serious, read the licence yourself carefully. If you don't quite get it, call us or ask a friend who is in business for their observations. Ask other people on the site what their experience is.
If after that you wish to instruct solicitors to act for you please bear in mind that we will NOT wait for you. The unit will be available until somebody signs a licence. So, in practice, that means all you will get for your trouble is a large legal bill and no shop.
I know this sounds harsh, but we live in the real world and in the real world we are not prepared to wait for months while the legal eagles endlessly delay matters. Sorry.
If you are fair and reasonable with us we will lean over backwards to be sympathetic and helpful - I passionately believe that prosperity for all is brought about by people competing to provide the public with goods and services that are better and/or cheaper than currently available. Everybody wins and you make a good living.
I really hope that this works well for you and your customers - nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Bob Cory
Modified on 01/09/2019 at 10:28:18 by Bob Cory